Monday, August 2, 2010

Rights Violations in Taiwan

11/22/2001 11:34 AM
Subject: Rights Violations in Taiwan

Dear United States Trade Representatives:
I am not certain if this is the proper committee to address. But,
if not, please advise me otherwise.
I am an American professor living in Taiwan.
Last January I won an appeal decision against National Cheng Kung
University in Tainan, Taiwan. The appeal decision, under the auspices
of Taiwan's Ministry of Education, reversed the university's illegal
dismissal action against me.
However, despite my appeal victory, the university has defied the
Ministry of Education's directive to "revive" my teaching contract at
National Cheng Kung University. Unbelievable as it may seem in the
United States, the Ministry of Education appears powerless to enforce
its own decision. Instead, it sends periodic letters to the university
to honor the decision.
This paper chase has been going on for almost a year. A
spokesperson from the Ministry even encouraged my personal lawsuit
against the university.
But the university appears to be indifferent to legal consequences.
It sees the lawsuit merely as another way to delay resolution of the
case, in hopes I will run out of money or will not be
able to maintain residence to contest the case further.
My appeal case, from the first dismissal, has already lasted more
than two-and-a-half years. In the meantime I have had to renew my visa
every two months, often traveling to Hong Kong or other countries to do
so. I have exhausted my savings. I have lived with no health care
during this period.
Except for a very few conscientious Taiwan colleagues who are
determined to have justice prevail, I have had no legal advocacy or
institutional support. There are no Civil Rights groups here that will
help, nor "pro bono" lawyers, nor other assistance that foreigners in
America take for granted.
My Chinese colleagues insist that contact with American officials
is necessary to effect a just resolution of this case. After all, I
know of no country in the world, much less a "democracy," where an
appeal decision, fully sanctioned by a country's Ministry, is not
honored. I know of no country in the world where an individual, least
of all a foreigner, is required to file a lawsuit on his own behalf in
order to execute a Ministry decision.
I don't think it's fair that Taiwan citizens are fully protected by
laws in foreign countries, but the Taiwan government does not similarly
protect foreigners in Taiwan. This kind of one-sided respect for
rights is not what one expects of a country that wants to join world
trade organizations. Money is not enough, if there is no respect for
laws and human rights.
I would appreciate your assistance or referral. If you wish, you
may contact the Ministry of Education directly.

Thank you.

Professor Richard de Canio
(06) 237 8626

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